Questions which have been driving the development of the Icarus universe (A sci-fi writer's working process)
On Facebook, a friend of mine, MP asked: "I never remember you mentioning the Icarus project , was this something you developed after I left Colorado?" Yes and no. Some of the stories have their roots in ideas that I had since high school, and others are completely new ideas that changed things I had planned to write for years. In my head, Icarus is only a year and a month old at this point (March 2018). It is part of my re-branding and reset of my writing career, complete with a brand new pen-name. When we were going though my mother-in-law's house after she committed suicide, I found that she had kept a couple of pages I did of a "Star-Cops"-like universe a few years ago. It was one of those stories I started, but never finished because of how bad my bipolar got. So when I started to think about what I wanted to do with my reinvention of myself, the idea of doing a Star-Cops story was in the water--if only because more than one person who read the few page...