
Showing posts from September, 2020

Ministry of Tribute and War Loot—A Three Quote Science Fiction Story

I swore that I am getting back to work, and not letting the termination of my Amazon author account (by Meltdown Girl) get me down.  Please enjoy the following flash sci-fi story. Ministry of Tribute and War Loot—A Three Quote Science Fiction Story [Quote 1] “While you are in Cairo, be sure to visit the Hub Museum of the Ministry of Tribute and War Loot, where you can see such treasures as the Mona Lisa, the 1776 American Declaration of Independence, and the Khan Verdant Automaton.” –Granny Charlie’s Guide to New Egypt   [Quote 2] “To this day, tribute and neogild continues to flow into the New Egyptian Space Empire, simply because the Nese are still technically at war with every damn fool nation that declared the Order of the Seven to be war criminals during the panic that followed Ascension Day. While some countries (such as the Protectorate States of America) use the continued existence of New Egypt as a population control bugaboo, most countries have (over the course ...